Florian Zierer will give a lecture on Caruso St John's recent work repurposing historical buildings, as part of Architecturtage 2024 at Haus der Architektur, Graz.
Florian Zierer writes: “Whether consciously or unconsciously, we have always understood our work as transformations. Whether they were created in an engagement with existing architecture, as additions or conversions, or as new buildings in urban space or a landscape, what all projects have in common is that the focus is on the transition from one state to another and that we always use the reference points of the transformation search in context. For us, the degree of change is very important because it is how the design can be evaluated."
Attendees can register for the event at hda-graz.ch
Image: Model of the Düngerbau, Uetikon am See © Caruso St John
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