ETH Zurich Re-form Zurich, Switzerland


ETH Zurich

Zurich, Switzerland

Spring 2022

Students in studio Adam Caruso at ETH Zurich will spend their Spring semester exploring the protestant churches of Zurich; spiritual, social and spatial public resources that are underused in the city.

Over the course they will look at the historically and architecturally rich fabric of these churches, closely surveying the physical at the same time as speculating how the tangible and the spiritual co-exist. They will equally engage with the church's current social programmes.

Emilie Appercé, Tibor Bielicky, Adam Caruso, Claudio Schneider and Barbara Thüler will teach on the course.

Main image, Portal, Thomas Demand, 2018

Below images, Werktags in der Kirche St. Peter, 2019, Redaktion Tagesanzeiger (Ressort Zürich)
and Paul visiting Peter in prison, Masolino / Masaccio, circa 1485, S. Maria del Carmine, Cappella Brancacci, Florence


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ETH Zurich
Reframe, Rearrange, Repeat

Zurich, Switzerland

Autumn 2022

Students in studio Adam Caruso at ETH Zurich will spend their Autumn semester working on a group of structures around Helvetiaplatz in Zurich. Through model-making and drawing students will engage with not only the adaptive reuse of existing buildings, but also how we can reframe the cultural value of them.

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ETH Zürich
Final Review: Re-form

31st May and 1st June

Students from Studio Adam Caruso at ETH Zurich present their final projects to a panel of guest critics including Céline Bessire, Maria Conen, Fredi Fischli, Françoise Fromonot, Tine Milz, and Niels Olsen.

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You cannot take risks without failing

Zurich, Switzerland

6pm (CET), 15th March 2022

Adam Caruso is taking part in the Institut für Entwurf und Architektur One Building lecture series at ETH Zurich. His lecture, You cannot take risks without failing, will take place at the ONA building Fokushalle on 15th March, 18.00 hrs.

Students from Studio Adam Caruso at ETH Zurich present their projects to a panel of guest critics including Marianna Charitonidou, Fredi Fischli and Niels Olson.

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ETH Zürich
Interim Forever

Zurich, Switzerland

Autumn 2021

Students in studio Adam Caruso at ETH Zurich will spend their Autumn semester exploring the sensibility of the interim; looking to the long history in the built environment of improvising and adapting.

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Students in studio Adam Caruso at ETH Zurich will spend their Spring semester investigating models for collective living.

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ETH Zurich
Final Crits: Making Plans for Living

Studio Adam Caruso, ETH Zurich

15–16 December 2020

Students from Adam Caruso's studio at ETH Zurich present their projects to guest critics including Lisa Fior (muf architecture/art, London), Summer Islam (Material Cultures, Studio Abroad, London), Dr. Marina Olsen (Karma International Gallery, Zurich), and Axel Simon (editor, Hochparterre).

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London Met Unit 12

London, UK

6th March 2025

How is the practice and education of architecture changing to meet the challenges of the moment? Peter St John and his teaching partner Amy Grounsell (Flimsy Works, Tonkin Liu) will be speaking about how new and established practices are changing their approaches in response to the climate crisis.

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Adam Caruso will give a lecture on the practice's recent work with existing buildings, and how the contemporary necessity for architecture to embrace circularity requires that we find new kinds of beauty in the world around us.

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Rod Heyes will be leading the Architectural Association's new Conservation and Reuse Diploma Studio alongside Amendine Kastler of Oslo-based Kastler Skjeseth Architects.

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All Buildings are Beautiful

Zurich, Switzerland

9th October

As part of the IEA Practice What we Teach? Lecture Series at ETH Zurich, Adam Caruso will discuss Caruso St John's long history of working with existing buildings, from its modestly scaled early work to large-scale recent projects.

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