A ground breaking ceremony was held on 3rd March to celebrate the start of construction on the St Pancras Commercial Centre. Located in an area of North London which is undergoing substantial change, Caruso St John's 24,000 m² mixed-use scheme will accommodate a dense development of housing, workspace and retail.
Photos © BAM Construction Ltd.
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The central slip form core of the St Pancras Commercial Centre is being poured. The process uses an efficient rig system to pour the concrete, and will take around 4 weeks to complete. Once the slip form is done horizonal slabs will be cast to make the structure rigid.
The landscape and interiors of Caruso St John's Veemgebouw Strijp S are now taking shape. The top floor of new construction contains 40 apartments, arranged around a landscaped courtyard, with external facades of curving brickwork that form a new dramatic top to the building.
Construction has completed on Caruso St John's Paulaner housing in Munich. The 36,000m² new building on Welfenstrasse provides three hundred apartments for both private sale and social tenants, along with a crèche, kindergarten and retail units on the ground floor.
Construction continues on the Grosser Burstah office building in Hamburg. The new office building, due to be completed in 2023, is part of a larger development of the city north of the St Nikolai Memorial; with the aim to re-establish a scale and urbanism which is consistent with the older streets of the central quarter.
Caruso St John Architects, in collaboration with Boltshauser Architects and Pool Architects, have won the competition for the Hardturm Areal in Zurich city. The scheme comprises a new 18,500 capacity football arena, a residential building with 173 cooperative apartments, and two mixed-use high-rise buildings. The project is being developed by HRS Real Estate SG and Credit Suisse.
Caruso St John have won the competition for a new mixed use building in central Cologne. The new building will stand on the site of the former Rudolfplatz Theatre, adjacent to the historic Hahnen gate, and will provide seven floors of offices with retail and restaurant spaces on the ground floor.
Caruso St John have won the competition for a new 35,000 sq m Biomedical laboratory in Basel. The building provides laboratory facilities as well as education rooms and offices. The Client is the University of Basel.
St Pancras Campus is reviewed in the December issue of the Architects Journal. Rob Wilson visits the building with Peter St John and Rod Heyes and discusses its position in the emerging cityscape between the railway land of King Cross and the Victorian terraces of Camden Town.
St Pancras Campus
Architecture Foundation
Summer School 2024
London, United Kingdom
11th – 15th September 2024
The Architecture Foundation is staging a summer school for architects and architecture students at Caruso St John's newly completed St Pancras Campus mixed use development.
Architecture Book of the Year
Caruso St John, Collected Works, Volume 2
London, United Kingdom
10th December 2024
The second volume of Caruso st John's Collected Works has received a commendation in the 2024 Architecture Book of the Year awards. Read the judges' report below.
Studio Caruso at ETH Zurich has designed the latest exhibition for gta exhibitions, the first comprehensive retrospective of OMARA Mara Oláh to be staged in Switzerland.
A feature-length documentary on the history and renovation of the Royale Belge building will be premiered in the building's auditorium.