St Pancras Campus
Architecture Foundation
Summer School 2024
London, United Kingdom
11th – 15th September 2024
The Architecture Foundation is staging a summer school for architects and architecture students at Caruso St John's newly completed St Pancras Campus mixed use development.
The London Borough of Camden has a distinguished history as a site of radical public housing. Building on that legacy, the summer school will be led by some of the most progressive housing architects working today, including Caruso St John alums Adam Khan, Astrid Smitham (Apparata), and Florian Summa (Summacumfemmer), as well as regular collaborators Bovenbouw Architectuur. The studios will focus on the development of new housing solutions for sites in Camden and will be supported by a series of presentations from guest lecturers.
Related news
St Pancras Campus is reviewed in the December issue of the Architects Journal. Rob Wilson visits the building with Peter St John and Rod Heyes and discusses its position in the emerging cityscape between the railway land of King Cross and the Victorian terraces of Camden Town.
The central slip form core of the St Pancras Commercial Centre is being poured. The process uses an efficient rig system to pour the concrete, and will take around 4 weeks to complete. Once the slip form is done horizonal slabs will be cast to make the structure rigid.
A ground breaking ceremony was held on 3rd March to celebrate the start of construction on the St Pancras Commercial Centre. Located in an area of North London which is undergoing substantial change, Caruso St John's 24,000 m² mixed-use scheme will accommodate a dense development of housing, workspace and retail.
All Buildings Are Beautiful
Museum of Contemporary Art in Warsaw
Warsaw, Poland
5th January 2025
Adam Caruso will give a lecture on the practice's recent work with existing buildings, and how the contemporary necessity for architecture to embrace circularity requires that we find new kinds of beauty in the world around us.
Rod Heyes will be leading the Architectural Association's new Conservation and Reuse Diploma Studio alongside Amendine Kastler of Oslo-based Kastler Skjeseth Architects.
As part of the IEA Practice What we Teach? Lecture Series at ETH Zurich, Adam Caruso will discuss Caruso St John's long history of working with existing buildings, from its modestly scaled early work to large-scale recent projects.
In conversation
Florian Zierer
Berlin International University of Applied Sciences
Berlin, Germany
8th October 2024
Florian Zierer will be in conversation at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences on 8th October 2024, introducing the practice's recent projects with existing buildings.
Rod Heyes will give a talk at the Architectural Association as part of a symposium focusing on adaptive reuse. The symposium brings together a group of leading architects to present their projects, with the intention of stimulating discussion around their lessons for education, practice, and policy.
This year Unit 12, led by Peter St John, investigated the theme of Second Life, in the context of the design of buildings. Based on the belief that almost everything can have a second life, the project intends to address London's pressing need for more housing and the complex solutions for the shortage of land. The proposals for the reuse and densification of existing post-war housing stock in South London show how this can be a better solution than redevelopment.
Project review
Building in Hamburg
In a talk for the Architecture Foundation, Associate Ben Speltz presents Caruso St John's work in Hamburg over the past decade, focusing on the practice's approach to working within the urban fabric of the city centre and introducing two recently completed projects, the Gortz Palais and Grosser Burstah Office Building.
Casabella Lectures
Adam Caruso in conversation with Federico Tranfa
Milan, Italy
8th May 2023
Adam Caruso will be in conversation with Casabella’s editor Federico Tranfa at the Theatro Milano for the magazine’s annual lecture series. The discussion will focus on the design process, exploring projects like the recently completed Swiss Life Arena.
Adam Caruso and fellow guests Jan De Vylder, Elke Krasny and Astrid Staufer will attend a 'Supercrit' and panel discussion on conversion in architecture, to mark the end of an exhibition of student work at TU Wien.