Private house, North London

London, United Kingdom 2020–2022

Client: Private client

This new house is located within the Fitzjohns / Netherhall Conservation area, characterised by large villas from the Victorian period. It is intended as a contemporary single-family home and will replace an existing smaller house bearing no architectural merit. Planning permission was granted in 2022.

The new house is four-stories high and rises three clear stories on the street side and four stories on the garden side. On each floor, the volume of the building steps back, making two large front terraces at the first and second floor. The stepped form makes the front of the house recede in relation to its neighbours, so that it does not compete with them.

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Images 1


Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4


Drawings 1

Ground floor plan

Drawings 2

Long section

Drawings 3

Cross section

Drawings 4

Street elevation

Drawings 5

Side elevation

Drawings 6

Window detail


London, United Kingdom



Caruso St John Architects
Adam Caruso, Peter St John

Project architect
Catija Christensson

Project team
Cosmin Chirpac

Structural engineer
Price & Myers

M&E consultant
Ritchie & Daffin

Models and photography
Caruso St John Architects

Nora Walter