The Swiss Life Arena is in its final stages of work. The new home for the ZSC Lions ice hockey team will open to the public in Autumn 2022.
The mast has been craned into place on top of the Veemgebouw. The design features integrated LED lighting, continuing the local tradition for night time illuminations across the city's skyline. It echoes the mast that stood on top of the building in its previous incarnation as a factory for the Philips electrical company.
Renovation work continues at the Royale Belge in Brussels. The façade replacement of the tower has been completed, which replicates the original design but with an expanded insulation zone. Work on the podium façade is underway, with a series of new openings connecting it to the landscape. A large cut has been made in the base of the building making way for the new atrium and four new columns to support the existing diagrid roof have been added.
The landscape and interiors of Caruso St John's Veemgebouw Strijp S are now taking shape. The top floor of new construction contains 40 apartments, arranged around a landscaped courtyard, with external facades of curving brickwork that form a new dramatic top to the building.
Caruso St John's work on a 1940’s industrial building has created new working and living spaces for a young family. The project lightly repairs the existing almost cubic building. The new construction is a new roof built almost to the limits of what is permitted by the planning regulations, a steep volume that rises up from the eaves along the street to make a new broad façade facing south towards the rear yard.
Caruso St John's Zurich office visited the Swiss Life Arena at the end of 2021. Construction continues on the new home for the ZSC Lions ice hockey team and is set to be completed in Spring.
Construction has completed on Caruso St John's Paulaner housing in Munich. The 36,000m² new building on Welfenstrasse provides three hundred apartments for both private sale and social tenants, along with a crèche, kindergarten and retail units on the ground floor.
Enabling works are underway at the Royale Belge in Brussels. The 1970's office building is being renovated by Caruso St John in collaboration with Bovenbouw Architectuur and DDS+.
Construction work continues on the Kvadrat Pavilion in Ebeltoft. The hospitality and conference space is a collaboration with artist Thomas Demand, located in the coastal dunes surrounding Kvadrat's headquarters.
Construction continues on the Grosser Burstah office building in Hamburg. The new office building, due to be completed in 2023, is part of a larger development of the city north of the St Nikolai Memorial; with the aim to re-establish a scale and urbanism which is consistent with the older streets of the central quarter.
Planning permission has been granted for the renovation and alteration of Royale Belge, a listed former company headquarters in the south of Brussels. The 39,000 sqm office building, built in 1970 and standing within a landscape that is also now listed, has been empty for the last 5 years. The new mixed use programme includes offices, hotel, health club, restaurant and co-working, and is being developed by the consortium Souverain 25.
Enormous steel roof trusses are being craned into position at the Swiss Life Arena in Zurich. The roof structure will be in place within the month and the building will top-out before the end of Summer. Construction is set to complete in Spring and the building will open to the public in Summer 2022.
Caruso St John have completed renovation work on the fernery and glasshouse at Hospitalfield House in Arbroath, which opens to the public today. This is the first phase in the wider redevelopment of the Category A listed arts centre.
Construction continues on the new home for the ZSC Lions ice hockey team. The main arena is taking shape, with all its in-situ concrete poured and the pre-cast elements being put into place.
Caruso St John's design for Downing College's new Student Centre has been granted planning approval. The three-storey structure, close to the College entrance from Regent Street is part of the first phase of the practice's master plan for the college.
Construction has completed on a new office building in Escher Wyss, Zurich. The six-storey structure faces onto the Hardbrücke, an elevated road that crosses Zurich West.
The renovation of a 1940’s industrial building in Wiedikon nears completion, with the installation of its windows.
Designs for a private house in Hampstead, north London have been granted planning permission.
Caruso St John has won the contest for a new office building at 52-56 Stampfenbachstrasse in central Zurich. The building for multinational insurance company AXA houses flexible office spaces on the upper floors and retail space on the ground floor.
Working in collaboration with Lütjens Padmanabhan Architekten, Caruso St John have won the competition to build two new apartment buildings within the existing Baugenossenschaft im Gut estate in Zurich-Wiedikon.
Caruso St John's project for a new office building adjacent to the Hardbrücke viaduct in Zurich West will be completed at the end of November. Works to the office interiors and planting in the cantilevered balconies are complete, and ground floor retail units are currently being finished. Tenants will occupy the building early in the new year.
Construction has completed on the Falconhoven Apartment Building in central Antwerp. The building contains fifty-one apartments, as well as shops, offices, and a kindergarten, and is the first completed building in a city block designed in collaboration with Flemish architects Bovenbouw and ONO Architectuur, and Dutch architects Rapp + Rapp.
Construction continues on the Swiss Life Arena, the new home for the ZSC Lions ice hockey team, and Caruso St John's largest project to date. The in situ concrete exposed shell of the building is currently being built and the project is set to complete in 2022.
The school year has started at Neuhausen am Rheinfall's newly refurbished primary school. Caruso St John's project to refurbish and extend the exiting building is the first part of a larger urban scheme that includes a new town hall, market place, main fire station, and a range of housing for families and the elderly.