Gladstone's Library

Hawarden, United Kingdom 2018–2020

Client: Gladstone’s Library Grade I listed Competition, first prize

Gladstone's Library, founded by William Gladstone in 1889, is the UK’s only Prime Ministerial Library. The project to expand facilities at the Grade I listed institution aims to promote wider engagement with the liberal values that lay at the heart of Gladstone’s life and work; it involves the creation of a new building as well as work to historic interiors and the surrounding landscape.

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Drawings 1

Site plan

Drawings 2

Ground floor plan

Drawings 3

South and west elevations

Drawings 4


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Hawarden, United Kingdom

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Hawarden, United Kingdom


Gladstone’s Library

Heritage status
Grade I listed

200 m² renovation
600 m² new build

Caruso St John Architects
Adam Caruso, Peter St John

Project architects
Fabienne Sommer, Catija Christensson

Structural engineer
Alan Baxter

Services engineer
Max Fordham

Cost consultant
SP Projects

Landscape architect
Jonathan Cook

Heritage consultant
Alan Baxter

Fabienne Sommer
Nora Walter (exteriors)